About Me
Who am I?
Frank, duh!

That's me, on the left and well, as you might have guessed, my name is Frank Lambregts. I am an enthousiast about anything that has to do with tech. I like to play chess and I am huge fan of Harry Potter.

Many applications that are used for chess are Windows-based and don't have a native application for Mac. Good examples are Swiss-Manager, Swiss Master or the Sevilla application. All three are popular to organise a tournament or competition, but none of them work on the MacOS, unless you use software like CrossOver. That's a pity. And therefore I am working on a SaaS-solution for this that can be run in any webbrowser. I program in PHP and soon you find out that some heavy calculation are pretty hard to make the correct logic for, but is a interesting sideproject.
So, we are introducing Flux in the mix of this page. I might start blogging about chess, technology, Harry Potter and other fun stuff.